I took part in Me Made May (MMM) for the first time last year and really enjoyed it, you can see my round-up posts here, here, here and here.
What is it?
Well for those who don't know, MMM is "is a challenge designed to encourage people who sew/knit/crochet/refashion/upcycle garments for themselves to actually wear and love them". It's hosted by the lovely Zoe of SoZo,whatdoyouknow and has been running for 5 years. Throughout the month of May, lots of crafty people will be setting themselves a personal challenge to wear their me-made items more in order to understand what it is that works/doesn't for their life and wardrobe.
My pledge
Last year I pledged to wear a me made item 3 times a week. I ended up surpassing this and as I've now been sewing/knitting/refashioning for a whole year longer, I've decided to up the ante. Therefore my pledge this year is to wear one me made (sewn, knitted or refashioned) item every day throughout May. One of the great things about this challenge is it encourages you to step back from the panicked 'must sew new pattern' frenzy (I know I'm not the only one who does this) and look at your wardrobe gaps and think more about what it is you need. I know I've been really bad at this recently and have trampled all over my sustainable clothing ethos and I have a mending basket full of me made and ready to wear items that I resolutely ignore in favour of the new shiny project. So therefore for MMM, I also pledge to mend/refashion at least one item every week in May, this should also give me more choice in my wardrobe!
I love seeing what everyone's pledges are and what they have been wearing during MMM. I'll be doing weekly round up posts here on the blog. Have you signed up? If not, you can do so here. I'm excited...
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