Tuesday 2 June 2015

Bank holiday trip to the Giants causeway

Before it gets too far away from the first May bank holiday I thought I'd write the post I've been promising. This post is very different to my usual ones so if you're just here for the sewing and have no interest in scenery or reading about me whitter on about Northern Ireland, look away now!

So as you may have seen in this Me-Made-May photo, I went home to Northern Ireland for the weekend.  This is only my boyfriend's second trip to Northern Ireland so we decided to do some site seeing with him and took him to the Giants Causeway.

The Giants causeway is on the north coast and is a UNESCO world heritage site. I want to say it's made from rocks but what I actually mean it is a rock formation. Lots of rock columns in hexagonal shapes:

So these rocks were formed when lava came up through the ocean (clearly not a geologist speaking here).  

This photo shows the column formation better

Lovely weekend trip with my father, sister and boyfriend :)  It was good to get a photo with all of us as really I'd just made them take photos of me!

The views are incredible and you can see lots of wildlife including seals, at least everyone apart from me saw a seal because I am legendarily terrible at spotting stuff! 

On a clear day you can see Scotland, that might be it in the background of this photo but I doubt it, this was not a very clear day.

My sister and I were really surprised by how many people were there and by a fancy new visitors centre. We haven't been in 5/6 years and last time we were there neither the crowds or the visitors centre were there. I guess it's a sign of how far Northern Ireland has come since the place it was when we were growing up. 

It was a really fun weekend and its nice to see these things through the eyes of others who haven't seen them before.  Anyone else done this, or are planning a trip to Northern Ireland? Tempted by a trip to the north coast?


  1. I knew about the giants causeway but I hadn't realised the scenery around was so lovely. I've been to Belfast once on a work trip (overnight by myself, not very inspiring, but I did buy a nice jacket). I should definitely put Northern Ireland on my list of possible places to go some time with the family, especially as we can go without flying.

    1. I really recommend it, it's a really pretty place for a few days away.
