Thursday 2 June 2016

Me-made-may Day 23-31

Wow! May is a wrap, how did that happen?  This month has had crazy weather variation, we started with some lovely sun and as I write this, I feel like that was the beginning of summer and we have now jumped straight to autumn already :(  Please come back summer.  Anyway, on to my final round up.

Day 24: new maxi skirt!  I had a coat on over this and almost froze while taking this photo.

Day 25: It was so cold this day that I wore my refashioned jumper skirt and blingy refashioned jumper. Being dressed neck to knee in jumpers still didn't protect me from the cold and I managed to forget a photo! 

Day 26: I wore a feather plantain t-shirt for a slobby uni day. You're getting my attempt at a selfie here, clearly my modelling/photography career is a way off

Day 27: I was going on a night out with some friends in this day so made a little bit of an effort and wore my shirt dress with some sandals. Apparently I should make even a little effort on more days as I got so many compliments on my outfit. 

Day 29: being the little mermaid at the V&A in my Jade skirt and vintage tie top. For anyone in the London area, I really recommend the 'Undressed' exhibition.

Day 30:  a bonus bank holiday day, which was much colder than we would have liked for the BBQ I was attending! I wore my Renfrew/lady skater mash up dress. 

Day 31: for the final day I wore my floral pencil skirt and Mathilde blouse.  I love this outfit but the skirt is such a terrible fit that I really need to try and find another pencil skirt pattern to attempt a different one.

This May has been the third where I've participated in me-made-May, this year was by far the easiest.  Clearly my handmade items are fitting better into my wardrobe (also I now have enough of them for colleagues/friends not to think I own no clothes).  Thanks so much Zoe for hosting again this year, I find this challenge so useful in helping me to examine my wardrobe and what it is that I want to wear.   However, interestingly this year is also the first that I haven't come out of May with a list of things to sew bigger than I started with which is refreshing.  I guess I've arrived at some kind of homoeostasis.   

Anyway, on to June which is definitely my favourite month, as its my birthday!  Here's to birthday month!


  1. What a successful May you had. I am in love with that little red floral pencil skirt!

    1. Thanks. It's one of my favourite pieces but I just would like it to fit better.
